By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 31, 2015 04:04 am  HTML preprocessors like Haml make coding items a breeze. However the hard-coding aspect of HTML is never fun – it’s not hard but rather mundane and monotonous. While a webapp can’t automate the whole process, Listify can help when building HTML lists. You simply input a raw text list of items and choose an ordered/unordered... Read More at Listify Converts Plain Text Lists into HTML Syntax
By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 30, 2015 03:13 pm  Font Combiner is a free web tool used to customize, reuporpose, and publish fonts to get them ready for use on the web. Users have access to 100+ different free web fonts that are ready for customization. All you have to do is set your own parameters and publish the font files. Each creation will... Read More at Font Combiner can Reformat TTF/OTF files for the Web
By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 30, 2015 02:08 pm  There are dozens of great websites to check for new web design jobs. Unfortunately this can be tedious, and tedium breeds mediocrity. Instead of checking out a dozen websites you can just visit DSGN JBS. This is an automated curation of new design jobs as they’re posted all over the web. The feed pulls from... Read More at DSGN JBS is your Dashboard for New Design Job Openings
By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 30, 2015 01:05 pm  The GOTO Berlin conference is a yearly event held all around the world. It’s a place for like-minded folks to gather and share ideas between software developers, engineers, architects, and project managers. Folks who plan on attending the GOTO Berlin event in 2015 should order their tickets ASAP. While it is a big event it’s... Read More at GOTO Berlin 2015 Coneference runs from December 2nd-4th
By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 30, 2015 12:01 pm  While many browsers have developer tools, most of then work within complex containers and have lots of excessive unused tools. Live CSS Editor is much like the Chrome Dev Tools editor, however it updates automatically with each change. You can manipulate anything in the CSS with just a few keystrokes and they changes appear in... Read More at Live CSS Editor offers Instant CSS Manipulation In-Browser
By Nancy Young on Oct 30, 2015 09:29 am  Hive is a WordPress theme with magazine-style layout and minimalistic design, which makes it perfect for publishers of any kind. With black and white photos the theme looks exactly like an old-fashion newspaper. It will be perfect for those who is going to create a blog to share thoughts, or those who are going to... Read More at HIVE: Magazine-Style WordPress Theme for Publishers of Any Kind
By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 30, 2015 08:16 am  One of the fastest time saving techniques for web development is to reuse code. Naturally this may come in the form of snippets saved locally to your computer. But it may also come in the form of code generators like Enjoy CSS. This free webapp creates valid CSS3 code for many common features like gradients,... Read More at Enjoy CSS Generates Custom & Valid CSS3 Code