By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 26, 2015 05:35 am  Most designers know about Lorem Ipsum but that’s not always best for lo-fi wireframes. UI design often does need typography to fill in the gaps, however the typographic choices can put the brakes on an otherwise smooth creative process. Instead consider trying BLOKK font for your next project. This is a free open source typeface... Read More at Blokk Font simulates text for Mockups & Wireframes
By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 26, 2015 04:11 am  Apple’s creation of iOS forced mobile developers to learn the Objective-C programming language which is a superset of C. It’s a fairly verbose language but has been used in OS X development for years. Recently Apple came out with a replacement language named Swift. It follows a similar base like Objective-C but it’s truly a... Read More at iSwift converts Objective-C code over to Swift
By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 26, 2015 03:03 am  The designer & developer Tal Florentin has been working in the web for over 18 years. He has about two decades worth of experience and is prominently known as the author of the UX Hero comic series. Recently he put out a free e-book titled You’re Designing It All Wrong!. It’s meant to be a... Read More at Free UX Design E-book written by UX Specialist Tal Florentin
By Jake Rocheleau on Oct 25, 2015 08:05 am  Online dev tools are growing rapidly with a larger audience of new and experienced developers. One such area is code generation with more specific code generators focusing on particulars like CSS3 prefixes or animated effects. But another emerging area is 3D rendering based solely in HTML/CSS. The new site Tridiv lets you create abstract shapes... Read More at Create 3D Shapes in CSS with Tridiv Editor
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